2015 Chevrolet Cruze Owner's Manual

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2015 Chevrolet Cruze Owner's Manual

Originally produced as a sedan, it was later joined by a hatchback (2008-2015). It is considered a golf-class sedan and is distinguished by its practicality and versatility.
In 2015, Chevrolet unveiled the new Cruze with some very, very modest upgrades:

β€’ Again welcome the LTZ package, formerly of the Cruze, but abandoned by the manufacturer;
β€’ New keyless access system and engine startup from a tablet;
β€’ economy by changing the characteristics;
β€’ The Cruze sedan and hatchback look the same.

The 1.4L turbo engine remains the same. (153 hp ), gearbox, safety and a lot of “stuffing” from 2017. – music system, safety, air conditioning.

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